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2020, the year to be thankful

So, what can I say about 2020? It's hard to know where to begin but rather than talk about what went wrong, how bad everything was, etc, I am going to keep it short and sweet. 2020 was the year to be thankful.

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What am I talking about?

I know, I know, it doesn't feel like 2020 has been the best year ever and really what was there to feel thankful for? It might not feel like it but most of us do have something to be thankful for. We are alive and quite possibly, healthy, so there's two things.

And whilst I appreciate that 2020 has been a year of big losses for some of us and that shouldn't be forgotten, it has also been a year for some of us to take stock and reassess our lives. Time to sit back and take our foot off the pedal. Most of us live our lives at 100 miles an hour, not always spending enough time with those that we love, so hopefully 2020 will help us to appreciate those around us and take a bit more time to relax and just be.

More Family Time

One of the big positives for some of us is that we spent more time with our families this year. Everything was closed so we all had nothing else to do but spend time with our families, which for some of us, was a unexpected bonus of lockdown. How many teenagers did you see walking with their parents in lockdown? A few I would imagine. Lockdown gave families a chance to reconnect and spend time together. But for some families, lockdown presented new challenges and those challenges shouldn't be forgotten. Not everyone lives in a happy secure family unit.

The future is brighter

There's a New Year on the way and with each New Year comes hope and opportunity for us all. It's time to remember those we've lost and think about those who we love. It's time to just be in life sometimes, take time to relax and give back to life. I'm not a big believer in New Years resolutions, but a New Year can make us all reevaluate our live and where we are going with our lives. We are planning some changes at Natural Minds, exciting changes and more of that in the New year! Generally it's good to keep evolving in life, keep changing and more important than anything else, keep being kind to each other. Without kindness, life is a bit empty. Take care and see you all in the New Year xx

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